
Reduce the Risk of Cancer with these 10 Best Foods!

10 Best Foods for Cancer

Cancer is a term given to a collection of related diseases. Amongst all types of cancer, some part of the body’s cells begin to divide rapidly without stopping and simultaneously spread into the surrounding tissues. There are numerous factors which are responsible for the increasing occurrence of this disease. Our generation is especially prone to cancer as we live an environment that is filled with pollution, radiation exposures, smoke, viruses, and cancer causing chemicals (carcinogens), obesity and unhealthy eating habits.

Cancer develops over a period of time, due to lifestyle habits and thus, it is important to take care of our health throughout life. There are different types of foods that contain specific nutrients which can boost the body’s immune system against cancer. Let us find out about some of these foods:

Foods that can Reduce the Risk of Cancer

The following are the different food items that you should include in your diet:

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is known to have many health benefit properties. One the health benefit it has is that it can reduce the risk of an individual developing cancer. Turmeric contains the compound known as curcumin, which regulates multiple cell signaling pathways and as a result kills the tumor cells.

How to add it in your diet:

Turmeric Teas, Vegetables or Milk

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon too has antitumor properties and works by inhibiting the formation of the blood vessels in the tumor regions by reducing the oxygen supply to the cancer cells. Cinnamon also contains phenlpropanoids like Eugenol which places toxic effects on different types of cancer cells.

How to add it in your diet:

Cinnamon Honey Tea, Banana Cinnamon Oats or on Fruit Salad

3. Ginger

Ginger is filled with compounds like shogaols, gingerols and zingerone that add odour and flavour to it and are beneficial in fighting against the cancer cells as they prohibit the division and growth of the tumor cells.

How to add it in your diet:

Ginger Teas, in Chutney, Vegetables and some Beverages

4. Garlic

Garlic contains a compound organosulfur like allicin that is produced when garlic is chopped or crushed. Garlic is known for having antioxidant properties that boost body’s immunity to fight against cancer cells. Numerous studies have found that allicin helps in the reduction of the growth of cancer.

How to add it in your diet:

In Vegetables

5. Broccoli

Broccoli is filled with flavonoids, which have an anti-cancerous property. The flavonoid present in broccoli is known as sulforaphane, which has shown great efficacy for reducing breast cancer risks. While cooking, make sure to boil it and not microwave it, as cooking it in microwave can destroy 97% of the flavonoids.

How to add it in your diet:

In Salads, Vegetables or Pastas

6. Citrus Fruits

Some citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit are filled with compounds known as flavanoids, which have antioxidant and cancer-fighting properties. Another antioxidant present in citrus fruits is vitamin C (ascorbic acid) that helps to fight free radicals in the body.

How to add it in your diet:

Fruit Salad or Just like that!

7. Berries

Berries (like cranberries, blueberries and raspberries) contain compounds known as anthocyanins that have antioxidant properties and helps to boost body’s immune system.

How to add it in your diet:

In Oats, Fruit Salad or Just like that!

8. Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit is rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E that fight against free radicals and in reducing the risk of cancer. It also has good amounts of carotenoids like lutein, which interferes with the several cell-signaling pathways and prohibits the growth of certain cancer cells.

9. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, which is a type of essential mineral that causes the cancer cells to kill themselves.

How to add it in your diet:

Sprinkle on salad or eat like a snack.

10. Tomatoes

Tomatoes have a plant pigment known as Lycopene, which not only gives it a red colour, but also has certain anti-cancer properties. Eating tomatoes can lower the risk of certain cancers like lung and prostate cancer.

How to add it in your diet:

In Salads, Vegetables, Soups or Just like that with black pepper and salt!

Natural foods are rich in essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help in reducing the risk of diseases like cancer. Thus, including the above mentioned foods in your diet can act as a boon for your health.

If you are suffering from cancer and need cancer medicines to boost your immunity, Galaxysuperspeciality is the ideal cancer medicine supplier from India. They are known for providing genuine medicines with an affordable cancer medicine price.

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